UNESCO and the Banorte Foundation form an alliance to improve social inclusion in Mexico

Frédéric Vacheron, UNESCO Representative in Mexico, and Jimena Prado Lebrija, Director of Fundación Banorte, signed a collaboration agreement on December 14 to formalize a series of joint projects that will run from this date until 2030. This agreement aims to improve and expand the foundation’s social inclusion programs from the perspectives of intercultural, gender, human rights, and cultural rights.

The alliance is already working on a joint project that will improve the living conditions of textile artisans and their communities in 12 municipalities throughout Yucatán. The initiative will include the implementation of the Culture 2030 Indicators, a framework of social indicators for local governments, as well as the monitoring and evaluation of community activities.

«At «Fundacion Banorte» we are committed to Mexicans, and this alliance with UNESCO will allow us to continue having a positive impact on the lives of many people. As Carlos Hank González, the Chairman of our foundation, has entrusted us with, we will continue to work hand in hand with our communities to promote the development of the country’s families». Jimena Prado Lebrija comment.

About Banorte
Grupo Financiero Banorte (GFNorte) is Mexico’s largest financial institution. It offers financial services to individuals and corporations through its businesses: banking, brokerage, fund management, insurance, pensions, leasing and factoring, warehousing, portfolio management and Uniteller remittance. GFNorte also includes Afore XXI Banorte, the country’s largest afore in terms of asset management. GFNorte is a public company listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange’s main index, and has more than 31,000 employees, 1,100 branches, 9,800 ATMs, 163,000 point-of-sale terminals, and 19,300 correspondents.

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