AMLO’s Plan B sends thousands of citizens out into the streets

Zocalo CDMX

On February 26th, a manifestation was organized by citizens to reject AMLO’s plan B for his electoral reform in the nation’s capital and other states.

All those who participated in the demonstration against Reform Plan B and in support of the National Electoral Institute (INE) were unable to fit inside Mexico City’s Zócalo .

Both the balconies and azoteas of the buildings next to the National Palace of Art were full, as were the streets that end in the first district of the capital. Everything was surrounded by citizens who opposed the changes made to the electoral laws.

Even though the appointment was at 11 in the morning, people started showing up at 8:30. Something substantial was forming beneath a strong capital sun.

The organizers reported that more than 500 thousand people had attended, the majority of whom were wearing the electoral institution’s colors of rose with white.

Thousands of Mexicans filled the nation’s most significant square to demand that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) invalidate the laws that López Obrador wants to use to disenfranchise the INE.

A new wave of attendees arrived at 10:20, 40 minutes before the time the expositor, Beatriz Pagés, and retired minister José Ramón Cosso were scheduled to speak. They eventually flooded the entire room.

They shouted as they entered, «El INE no se toca!» «Yo defiendo al INE!» and «México, México!» This past Sunday, the defense of the electoral process, democracy, and love for one’s country caused the capital’s historic district to be rebuilt.

The national anthem brought the manifestation to a close. As everyone left, with joy, dancing, and celebrating. The mission had been more than accomplished because the Zócalo had been cut short.

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