Carlos Hank Gonzalez and his leadership tips

The success of a company not only depends on creative strategy, branding, sales, market positioning, to mention a few, but all these areas unquestionably need an exemplary leader. But, what characteristics should a business leader have? Here are some tips from a great shark.

To innovate and not to trust are two terms that a leader must carry out, according to Carlos Hank González, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Grupo Financiero Banorte. The board is made up of 14 businessmen and shareholders.

Grupo Financiero Banorte is the fourth largest bank in Mexico in terms of assets under management, while Afore XXI is the fourth largest account with the largest number of registered workers.

For the Mexican businessman, a company is like a ship, a ship that sets sail with a goal, but also with a destination, drawing up a plan of where it wants to go and how it will sail, and which captain it will leave at the helm.

For the man from Monterrey, the ability to adapt is key, especially in the face of circumstances that may arise during the positioning of a company. For Carlos Hank González, the ability to adapt to different environments quickly and better than competitors is essential.

The businessman believes that overconfidence, especially when close to the target, can be a double-edged anchor. For him, innovation and being an ally of technology is fundamental for survival.

Carlos Hank González assures that one should never be afraid of entrepreneurship.

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