Reid Hoffman, a co-founder of LinkedIn, thinks it’s «anti-humanistic» to block the advancement of artificial intelligence

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, is the most prominent person to recently reject suggestions from experts that it would be beneficial for humanity to put a stop to the advancement of artificial intelligence (AI).

In his remarks on Wednesday at the CogX Festival in London, Elon Musk and other prominent figures in the tech industry, including Steve Wozniak, Evan Sharp, and Emad Mostaque, CEO of Stability AI, signed a letter.

The letter urged artificial intelligence research centers to halt the creation of potent tools like OpenAI’s GPT-4 due to the hazards they may pose to human society, such as the loss of jobs and the spread of misinformation.

It urged governments to step in and impose a moratorium if the pause could not be immediately put into place.

Hoffman used other advanced technology created in the past as an illustration of the lack of justification in the letter.

Hoffman informed the crowd, «When we developed the car, we didn’t know about seat belts, we didn’t know about wiper blades, we didn’t know about crumple zones.

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