Grupo Financiero Banorte activates fundraising program in support of Guerrero

Grupo Financiero Banorte expresses its solidarity with the victims of Hurricane Otis in Guerrero. In the face of this emergency, the most important thing is the safety and well-being of its customers, employees and the people of the state that have been affected.

To this end, Banorte announced the activation of its fundraising program in which, through Fundación Banorte, it will contribute one more peso for every peso deposited by individuals.

Carlos Hank González, Chairman of the Board of Grupo Financiero Banorte, said, «Banorte is here to support Mexican families. In the face of adversity, the best of each one of us emerges. Let’s show once again what we are made of; together we are stronger».

The resources raised will be used to support the recovery of the state of Guerrero.

How to donate:

Deposits payable to: Banorte Foundation Banorte account number Banorte 000 000 0010.

Grupo Financiero Banorte. October 25, 2023. VF

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