Audi Mexico workers go on strike after failing to reach wage agreement
Audi Mexico workers decided to go on strike tomorrow after several disagreements over the 2024 contract revision.

Workers at the Audi plant in San José Chiapa, Puebla agreed to go on strike on Wednesday over disagreements on the revision of the contract for this year, for which the workforce is requesting a double-digit percentage wage increase.
In January 2023, the local unit of the German manufacturer of high-end vehicles, part of the Volkswagen Group, reached a last minute agreement with its union on a wage increase for that year, avoiding in extremis a strike announced by the workers.
Audi Mexico reported that for each day of strike, the company stops manufacturing more than 700 cars; this plant produces the Q5 SUV in various versions, which is exported mainly to the United States, Germany, Australia, Canada, Brazil, Japan, and more than 50 countries.