Soccer team America enters the Mexican Stock Exchange

Grupo Ollamani, America, and Estadio Azteca were all listed on the Mexican Stock Exchange.

Club America and the Azteca Stadium officially joined the organization when Marcos Martínez Gavica, the head of the board of the Mexican Stock Exchange, presented Grupo Ollamani under the ticker symbol «Águilas

«Welcome to your home, welcome to your nest» was Martínez Gavica’s greeting to Emilio Azcárraga Jean, who attended the occasion.

«We are very proud of this historic moment in the Mexican Stock Exchange. A sign of innovation in our country. It is a decision of the part of the group that has to do with the team, with the stadium. It is to give value to the group in the market, to invite investors to be part of this company that is having an impressive success. It started just a few minutes ago and has already doubled its value,» said the BMV president.

In a debut, the Águilas del América began trading at 11.50 pesos per share and minutes later had already doubled and even almost tripled its price, to trade at 32.05 pesos.

With this, the Coapa-based team becomes not only the first team in La Liga Mx, but also in the American continent to be listed on the stock market, joining the names of European clubs such as Manchester United, Juventus, Borussia Dortumund, Olympique Lyonnais Groupe, Lisbon and Benfica.

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