Nvidia intends to expand into Southeast Asia by constructing a $200 million AI facility in Indonesia

According to Indonesia’s ministry of communication, Nvidia and the telecom company Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison will collaborate on a project that is anticipated to improve digital skills and local telecoms infrastructure.

As the U.S. tech darling continues its drive into Southeast Asia, Nvidia plans to construct a $200 million artificial intelligence center in Indonesia in collaboration with the country’s largest telecom company, Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison.

The new facility will support local human resources, digital talent, and telecommunications infrastructure. It will be headquartered in Surakarta, in the province of Central Java, according to Indonesia’s Minister of Communication and Information Technology, Budi Arie Setiadi.

Nvidia’s Blackwell next-generation chip architecture would be integrated into Indosat’s infrastructure, the company said this month, with the aim of «propelling Indonesia into a new era of sovereign AI and technological advancement.»

Following the merger of Ooredoo from Qatar and CK Hutchison from Hong Kong in 2022, Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison became the second-largest mobile telecom in Indonesia.

Due to the region’s booming data demand brought on by the expanding digital economy, Nvidia is making a bigger push into Southeast Asia this year, as seen by its increasing presence in Indonesia.

Singtel, a Singaporean telecom company, said in January that it will be collaborating with Nvidia to integrate artificial intelligence features into its data centers located around Southeast Asia.

Singtel stated in March that by this year, companies in the area will have access to Nvidia’s state-of-the-art AI processing capability through the program, negating the need for clients to finance and maintain their own pricey data center equipment.

Nvidia’s most recent spectacular quarterly earnings report revealed that the company made $18.40 billion mostly from data centers thanks to the worldwide AI frenzy.

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