Biden signs law forcing TikTok’s Chinese parent company to sell platform or face veto in the U.S.

The Senate voted 79 times in favor of the effort to outlaw TikTok, thus Biden’s support would be all that was needed.

A bill that requires TikTok’s Chinese parent firm to sell the app or face a veto in the US was signed into law by Biden.

According to the bill signed by Biden, ByteDance, a Chinese business, must sell TikTok within nine months in order to avoid having the platform—which has over 170 million users—banned in the US.

In response, TikTok declared that the law forcing it to transfer ownership in order to stay in the country is «unconstitutional» and that it will be defending itself in court.

The main firm of TikTok, ByteDance, stated a few days ago that if the platform is prohibited in the US, 170 million Americans’ right to free speech will be «trampled,» and the network will no longer contribute $24,000 million annually to the US economy.

In addition, ByteDance refuted the assertion made by the bill’s proponents—who view it as a national security risk—that TikTok is «an agent of China or other countries» in the United States and stated that it is not a Chinese company due to the fact that international investment firms own 60% of the company’s capital.

Yesterday, the U.S. Senate passed a measure that, if signed by President Joe Biden, will compel the Chinese corporation ByteDance to sell TikTok within nine months in order to prevent the platform—which has around 170 million users—from being banned in the country.

The proposal was adopted by the House of Representatives with a vote of 360 in favor and 58 against, and by the Senate with 79 votes in favor and 18 against.

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