XXI Banorte, the best afore that resolves in favor of its clients, reveals Condusef

Afore XXI Banorte is the one that best solves in favor of its clients, obtaining a 9.89 rating in the last quarter, according to Condusef.

National Commission for the Protection and Defense of Users of Financial Services (Condusef) announced which Afores are the best rated based on user service.

In this sense, the institution revealed that Afore XXI Banorte is the one that best solves in favor of its clients, obtaining a rating of 9.89 in the last reported quarter of the Í(IDATU) (User Service Performance Index).

According to figures from the Commission’s Financial Institutions Bureau, Afore XXI Banorte tops the list, followed by Afore Azteca, Invercap and Profuturo, with 9.83, 9.13 and 9.12, respectively.

It is important to mention that the IDATU is a quarterly indicator that evaluates the efficiency and quality of financial institutions in terms of attention and resolution of user complaints, prioritizing factors such as total complaints, number of favorable resolutions and response time.

Likewise, the 10 Retirement Fund Administrators were evaluated in their electronic management and conciliation processes, highlighting that XXI Banorte is the one that best conciliates with its clients and offers favorable solutions digitally.

Who is Carlos Hank the owner of Banorte: https://financialtipster.com/2024/05/13/who-is-the-owner-of-banorte/

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