Banorte, with Carlos Hank at the head of the board and Marcos Ramírez at the helm, managed to maintain its good financial results in this year, which for many was complicated due to the elections; however, the bank kept up the pace and continues to consolidate in strategic niches such as mortgages, led by Eduardo Reyes, and in states and municipalities.

But it has also been a year in which it launched its digital bank Bineo, where Paco Martha is closely following the evolution and development of this institution, through which they hope to serve a younger segment, and although it has not yet seen a significant impact on the balance sheet, it is expected to continue to advance in customer preferences.

Banorte has not left aside the operation of RappiCard, which, although it no longer promoted the great project it had at the beginning, it did take control of the credit card, where since 2021 to date it has already placed one million plastics. Everything indicates that the financial group’s bet is to grow on different fronts.

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