Electric vehicles could reach 24% of Europe’s car market by 2025

In the EU, sales of electric vehicles have slowed recently (to a 14% market share in the first half of the year), partly because of divergent policies on green incentives across the bloc, and partly because regulators, seeking to protect the EU industry, have imposed heavy tariffs on Chinese cars.

However, campaign group Transport & Environment (T&E) said on Tuesday that battery electric vehicles (BEVs) sold in the EU will reach a total market share of between 20% and 24% by 2025, mainly due to cheaper selling prices.

In September, incentives were implemented in Germany, the largest market for electric vehicles in the European Union, with the aim of expediting the green transition.

T&E, which projected a 21% share for the upcoming year in June, believes that sales would increase.

According to him, his updated estimates account for the anticipated arrival in 2024 and 2025 of seven new all-electric models with prices around $27,835.00, which would account for 10% to 15% of the market for electric vehicles in that year.

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