Universal Music notifies TikTok that it will take down its music

Following a breakdown in negotiations with the video platform on problems like artist and composer pay, Universal Music Group issued a warning that it would take its songs down from TikTok.

In an open letter, Universal accused TikTok of «trying to build a music-based business without paying fair value for the music.»

Ahead of the current contract’s expiration on Wednesday, the parties had been debating the details of a new one. But the contract has not been renewed.

The letter also states that «appropriate compensation» for composers and artists, user security on the internet, and safeguarding artists from artificial intelligence-related harm are some of the topics that have been explored.

As the talks went on, Universal claimed that «TikTok attempted to bully us into accepting a deal for less value than the previous one, far short of fair market value and not reflective of its exponential growth.»

Large music labels receive royalties from social media and streaming services.

TikTok, according to Universal, offered to pay «a fee that is a fraction of what similar major social platforms pay.»

According to a statement from TikTok, it was «sad and disappointing that Universal Music Group had put its greed above the interests of its artists.»

The social media platform labeled Universal’s statements «false» and stated that the record company «decided to abandon the powerful backing that a platform with over a billion users that serves as a free promotion and vehicle for discovering new talent» of its caliber.

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