ChatGPT + Banorte; OpenAI, the company behind the ChatGPT artificial intelligence model, hopes to reach a million dollars in revenue by 2024

Carlos Hank Gonzalez

ChatGPT, a model of Artificial Intelligence (IA) trained to support conversations but also capable of writing text with reliable information and, of course, good redaction has captured the attention of both internal and external stakeholders in the technology sector since the end of last year.

As one might expect, the topic will revolutionize how we interact with robots that can aid in learning, but it will also bring changes to the publishing industry, at the very least now that the scandal has made headlines.

Indeed, one organization that has begun to test ChatGPT’s ability to disseminate information to a broad audience is Banorte, which has also commissioned Carlos Hank González to announce this week a new podcast devoted to technology topics called Norte Digital.

The end result was a well-written communication that was later improved by the bank’s corporate communication team, confirming Kurian’s statement in the podcast interview that digital transformation will affect all industries and activities.

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