FAA launches fresh investigation into Boeing; this time, it concerns inspections of 787 Dreamliners

The Federal Aviation Administration said on Monday that investigators are looking into possible Boeing employee negligence regarding some quality checks on the company’s 787 aircraft.

According to the FAA, the investigation’s goals are to ascertain if the inspections were carried out and «whether company employees may have falsified aircraft records.»

According to the FAA, Boeing staff will examine the Dreamliners it hasn’t yet delivered to airline clients and will create a plan for the aircraft that are presently in flight while the inquiry is ongoing.

«It may not have completed required inspections to confirm adequate bonding and grounding where the wings join the fuselage on certain 787 Dreamliner airplanes,» Boeing «voluntarily informed us in April,» according to the FAA.

In an internal document that was provided with CNN, the Boeing official in charge of the 787 program stated that the problem was brought to their attention by an employee and that it is a case of «misconduct.» It’s not «an immediate safety of flight issue,» he said.

The organization discovered that «several people had been violating Company policies by not performing a required test, but recording the work as having been completed,» according to the message from Scott Stocker.

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