Second heat wave ‘melts’ the National Electric System Mexico: State of emergency declared

The National Electric System (SEN) entered into an emergency operating state in the National Interconnected System (SIN) at 17:04 hours this Tuesday, May 7, due to a high demand of electric energy, informed through its website, the National Energy Control Center (CENACE).

The alert lasted less than an hour, since at 17:52 hours, CENACE issued the declaration of the end of the emergency operating status, so the SIN went to Normal Operating Status.

Arturo Carranza, a specialist in the energy sector, explained that operating states are issued by CENACE regulations, and are intended to notify users of the conditions under which the SEN operates.

“The high temperatures that are being recorded in some regions of the country are leading to an increase in electricity demand, which in turn stresses the system. In order to achieve reliable and safe operating conditions, CENACE issues these alert or emergency operating states, which are accompanied by other actions to reduce stress,” said Carranza.

According to CENACE’s website, electricity demand reached 48,472 MW at 17:00 hrs. on Tuesday, which represented its highest level of the day.

However, he clarified that, technically, no one can predict a blackout. “What is certain is that, in the face of high temperatures, we must wait for CENACE to make decisions to guarantee the reliable and safe supply of electric power,” he said.

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