Microsoft has unveiled an improved Bing search engine with ChatGPT-like features

Microsoft unveiled an advanced version of its search engine Bing, complete with ChatGPT-like technology for answering complex questions and assisting users in making decisions.

The announcement comes just one day after Google revealed its own artificial intelligence chatbot, Bard, in response to ChatGPT’s massive success. Microsoft is betting billions of dollars on AI in order to capitalize on the worldwide excitement surrounding ChatGPT, a tool that has awakened millions of people to the possibilities of cutting-edge AI technology and is already changing how people gather information.

With the release of ChatGPT last year, the public was introduced to the power of so-called generative AI, which can generate virtually any text or image. Its human-like responses to any prompt have given people new perspectives on marketing, writing term papers, disseminating news, and even querying information online.

At the briefing, Yusuf Mehdi, Microsoft’s consumer chief marketing officer, stated that the Bing search engine will be powered by AI and run on a new, next-generation «large language model» that is more powerful than ChatGPT. A chatbot will make it easier for users to refine their queries, provide more relevant, up-to-date results, and even make shopping more convenient.

Microsoft may be able to entice more users to try Bing by making it a destination for ChatGPT-like conversations, though the new version is currently limited to desktops and lacks a smartphone interface.

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