China claims that their success with electric cars is «not due to subsidies»

The «increasing acceptance» of Chinese goods, like electric cars, in the international market, according to China’s Ministry of Commerce, is «not government subsidies,» but rather «the result of the effort and investment in research and development of Chinese companies for more than twenty years.»

Speaking during a news conference, Ministry of Commerce spokesperson He Yadong stated that China’s «competitiveness of the new energy market» created a «survival of the fittest» atmosphere that led to «the continuous emergence of high-quality enterprises and products.»

The official said that industrial subsidy schemes «originate in the West and are widely adopted by countries around the world.»

He stated that all businesses operating in China «enjoy the same benefits» and that China’s industrial subsidy programs «adhere to World Trade Organization (WTO) rules» and «are based on principles of fairness, transparency and non-discrimination.»

The spokeswoman emphasized that China’s new energy products «have promoted green transformation» and «enriched global supply.»

China’s new energy products «help ease global inflationary pressures,» the speaker continued, adding that they represent a contribution to the world rather than a danger.

By formally declaring additional tariff barriers on imports of goods from the Asian behemoth, U.S. President Joe Biden accused China this week of «cheating» and said that future electric cars «will be made in the United States.»

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