Carlos Hank Gonzalez, the challenge of making Banorte sustainable

Carlos Hank Gonzalez Chairman of Grupo Financiero Banorte, Vice-Chairman of GRUMA and Chief Executive Officer of Grupo Hermes

According to Carlos Hank González, there were two pivotal moments that caused him to think of sustainability as an important task: the fact that it became a topic of conversation with his wife and children on a regular basis, and the meeting he had with his entire executive team at Reforma 383 offices. «Mariuz [Calvet] exposed to us the opportunity and responsibility that entailed signing the principles before the United Nations […] The responsibility one bears is not the only one; it is to carry it out thoroughly. The entire structure is altered, including the institution’s state of results. Then, it was a very deep decision, so it is said.

The director of Sustainability and Responsible Investment is Mariuz Calvet. She was the one who explained to the executive team how Banorte might differentiate itself in the industry.

Banorte committed to strategically aligning its business with the Paris Climate Agreement and the Goals for Sustainable Development as a result of the meeting, which led to Banorte becoming a signatory founder of the Principles of the Responsible Bank in 2019 under the Organization of the United Nations. «It was the point when we truly became aware of what we could do and how we could do it,» the author claims.

Hank Gonzalez explains that from that point on, the process of making the entire executive team and the entire institution aware of the significance of this new focus began. In this regard, they add, the Sustainability Committee continuously examines the progress being made.

Hank Gonzalez responds to the question of how to make sustainability and profitability not be seen as mutually exclusive that it’s vital to be convinced of the differences that arise in society, the nation, and the world when the focus shifts. In addition, it is added, investors are becoming more interested in funding organizations that carry out sustainability-related activities.

For instance, today when we go to the international market to make offerings in search of capital or funding, many international investors will let you start a business at better prices and rates if you follow these initiatives.

It’s a massive project, we have a ton of work to do to accomplish [the objectives]. Within our organization, it is now a fact that we are working toward this goal today with a strong conviction, not just awareness. Our challenge is to spread this to the rest of our customers and lead them along that road, the company claims.


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