Apple Vision Pro: the reality glasses that combine the real and virtual worlds

Apple has taken advantage of WWDC 2023 to finally show the world its new mixed reality glasses, the Apple Vision Pro, as well as its operating system, visionOS.

The Apple Vision Pro is an ultra-premium device made primarily of glass, carbon fiber and aluminum, simulating the style of ski goggles, with a curved front. This consists of an external display to show facial expressions and eyes, as well as external cameras to show what is in front of the user, including depth sensors, hand tracking and magnetic charger.

Apple is planning to dominate the industry with Vision Pro like they did with the iPods? augmented

Yes, it looks that the Vision Pro is superior to other headsets on the market. As long as you don’t mind wearing ski goggles, it looks okay on your head. Technically speaking, it is significantly superior to anything we have seen. Additionally, it is supported by the power of the Apple ecosystem, which means that hundreds of programs will be available for it in roughly a year.

There may not be a good explanation for the expensive pricing. Yes, manufacturing the Vision Pro must be really expensive. With an M2 and a new R1 chip inside, as well as a dozen cameras and a plethora of sensors, making this beast must have cost Apple a pretty penny.

However, I believe that the actual reason Apple released a headset this potent and pricey is because it is not intended for the general public. It’s a tool that programmers and perhaps a few hobbyists can experiment with. At $3,499 each, Apple most likely doesn’t anticipate selling millions of these.

Apple probably doesn’t even want to sell that many, in my opinion. Even more essential, Apple probably doesn’t want the Vision Pro to be in too many hands until the multiple new experiences it offers are greatly improved. The business may not be able to create the headset at a high volume.

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