Nearshoring: According to a private EU sector, Mexico is moving at 60 km/h but could accomplish it at 120

According to Larry Rubin, president of the American Society of Mexico (Amsoc), if the Mexican economy grows at a rate of more than 120 kilometers per hour, it will undoubtedly attract investments from the 750 foreign businesses who have noticed Mexico’s appeal as a result of nearshoring.

The representative of the 2 million Americans of American descent who live in the Mexican Republic says, «The reality is that Mexico is a vehicle today that is moving at 60 kilometers per hour but could be moving at 120 kilometers per hour.»

The businessman claims that the American Society is driving business meetings, private gatherings, and a convention to boost the Mexican economy to 120 kilometers per hour.

The president of the American Society of Mexico states that there are several challenges that Mexico must overcome, including strengthening its legal system, reducing insecurity, and having enough human capital to staff the businesses that will rise in the coming years.

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