Gruma and Banorte participate in the initiative ‘La Fuerza de los 100,000 en las Américas’

The U.S. Embassy in Mexico, Fundación Banorte, Fundación Gruma, and representatives from higher education institutions participated in a hybrid event to address the impact of partnerships under the ‘Strength of 100,000 in the Americas’ initiative and academic exchanges between Mexico and the United States.

Eleven new 100K Strong partnerships were created between Mexican and U.S. universities as a result of the collaboration between Fundación Banorte, Fundación Gruma and the U.S. Embassy in Mexico. Nearly 300 students and professors acquired technical, linguistic and intercultural skills in the areas of financial inclusion, entrepreneurship, agricultural sustainability, natural resource conservation and business administration.

Working with the U.S. and Mexican public, private and academic sectors over the past ten years, Mexico has become a regional leader in the 100K Strong education initiative with 130 university and college partnerships in 29 U.S. and 23 Mexican states, impacting 2,100 students and faculty.

Ambassador Ken Salazar highlighted «The 100,000 Strong Innovation Fund in the Americas illustrates what we can achieve when Mexicans and Americans join forces and invest in the talent and potential of our people through educational exchanges. I thank the Banorte and Gruma Foundations for their commitment to this successful initiative that fosters the leadership and work of our students, teachers, and academic institutions to transform our common challenges into shared opportunities for international education and to continue building their future and that of North America.

Carlos Hank González, Chairman of Banorte, said «Today, as we witness the culmination of 3 years of collaboration, research and dedication to issues such as financial and economic inclusion, let us celebrate the great achievements that have been made possible through the joint efforts of all of us. As part of the Bicentennial200 Challenge for Education, we join this incredible program and are pleased to have contributed together to the commitment of the U.S. Embassy in Mexico to promote education.

Juan González Moreno, President of Gruma, emphasized that «at Gruma, we are pleased with the achievements of the 100,000 Strong in the Americas Innovation Fund because it is in line with our company’s vision and commitment to promote research that improves sustainable agriculture and rural development globally, and particularly in the United States.

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